26 July 2007

My Life as a Student

Cagayan de Oro - I have always been fascinated by the idea of being infront of an audience. I tell you I was never like this back in high school where speaking before 35 classmates was like going through hell. Blood, sweat and tears were for real. Add to that the incessant urge of going to the toilet every 10 minutes.

Many believe that being a Development Communication student is taking an easy ride through college. We do nothing but walk the hallways of the Science Center and the Aggie Building with our SLR cameras and burn ourselves under the heat of the scorching Manresa sun fully made up. I digress. It's a roller coaster ride with fun and a bucketful of education.

In Dev Com, I learned so many things. How to be an actor. How to be a writer. How to be a photographer. And best of all, how to be a human being with a clear purpose in my life. Things like walking kilometers of endless sand-and-gravel roads to be with homeless people. Crossing several rivers to be with intelligent children and yet schoolless. Fisherfolks. Pregnant women. The sick. The needy. And those who needed attention and those that the world has chosen to forget.

When I finished my four-year course, I can say that Dev Com helped me become a better person and still helping better myself every single moment. The confidence that I never had now I truly treasure.

Now, I'm back still a student but no longer sitting down but standing infront of my students. Standing with so much confidence. I'm a student of life where everyday is learning experience. I am still a work in development.

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